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Sharing Hotel Guest Data with Authorities Local Government.

Some countries and local governemnt requires all hotels to report guest information to the Authorities. We make easy to comply with government regulations, this feature is individual Hotel choise and must notify Client.

Hotel Guest Registration: Build guest profiles, complete with ID/passport photo. Just take a picture with any smartphone and drop into your browser. ID documents are stored safely in the cloud and available from anywhere.

How to upload a Guest Passport →

Sharing Hotel Guest Data with Authorities Local Government

Hotel Guest Registration for Hotel PMS Features: Guest ID Documents Stored in the Cloud

Quick-Start Guide To Hotel PMS Getting Started. →

User Guide For Hotel PMS Software. →

Introductory Videos Start your journey with Hotel PMS with this set of introductory videos. The videos are designed to give you a quick overview of the various features of Hotel PMS App. →

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