Multi-language Booking Engine Multi-Currency Booking Engine for Hotel PMS App.
Hotel PMS Video Presentation of Direct Booking Engine Commission Free!. Multi-language Booking Engine Multi-Currency Booking Engine for Hotel PMS App.
Multi-language Booking Engine Multi-Currency Booking Engine for Hotel PMS App.->
Your Direct Booking Engine:
Multi-language Booking Engine Multi-Currency Booking Engine for Hotel PMS App. 22 languages. Open your doors to the global marketplace. Your hotel is ready to accept direct bookings from any device in real time and pay zero commissions, direct from your own website, we help you generate direct, commission-free reservations at every opportunity. Encourage Your Website Visitors to make More Direct Bookings! and keep the full profit. Our Direct Booking engine provides a map where the hotel as well as other interesting tourist attractions are marked, also gives some basic information about most popular landmarks, closest landmarks from the hotel as well as the distance from the airport.
White Label/Booking Widgets/ Website Direct Booking Engine
When you activate Your Direct Booking engine and Google analytics, We Submit your website Booking engine to Bing and Google Search engines for free. OTA’s charge 20%-30% your Direct Booking engine is Free "0" Zero Commissions free
The PMS Booking Engine app manages the front desk by using Modern frontdesk Capabilities, seeing what needs to be done each week. The PMS App feature manages room mapping, inventory, reservation delivery, channel pricing, credit card processing, and currency conversion. The booking engine App feature allows you to make direct reservations, commission-free.
Features on the list is a real advantage as most hotel PMS management systems are designed for large resorts and hotel groups - but for small establishments, this is our key features. The PMS App system processes room assignments for your employees as guests book, so the system knows how to manage staff around their holidays and availability. The check in and out process is automated. The PMS Cloud Consierge system allows you to identify opportunities to up-sell, which is non-invasive for guests but allows you to drive more revenue by offering Modern App useful services when necessary to guests.
Features included for each plan
Channel Manager | Free | Premium |
Direct Booking Engine | ||
Facebook Reservations | ||
Google Hotel Ads | ||
TripAdvisor | ||
OTA (, Airbnb, etc.) | * | |
GDS (Amadeus, Sabre, TravelPort) | * | |
ADARA - The World's Travel Data Co-op. |
* Requires an account with MyAllocator. Your activity is billed externally by MyAllocator.
Your Own Website | Free | Premium |
Website | * | |
* | ||
SSL | * | |
WordPress | * |
* Available to Premium users.
We want to be your platform
Our goal is to build a platform that not only works well, but is also friendly and fun to use. You don't need any approval or special training to get started.
Hotel PMS App, A Better Way to Manage Your Hotel · Hostel · B&B · Vacation Rental , Channel Manager, Direct Booking Engine, Concierge Service, Hotel Restaurant POS, POS and Payment Processor.

The all-in-one Hotel App business solution for bed & breakfasts, guesthouses and small hotels, that includes:
a PMS, Channel Manager, Direct Booking Engine, Concierge Service, Hotel Restaurant POS, POS, Hotel Housekeeping and Payment Processor.
Our platform will help you sell more rooms and improve revenue per booking by helping you upsell products and services, and encourage guests to return and book with you directly. Bellebnb is a complete property management system for your Hotel. Sign up for free!.