Hotel PMS Analytics and Hospitality Analytics.
All-in One Hotel PMS Analytics Management System.
Hotel PMS Analytics:
Hotel walk in, Hotel Direct Booking by your website and Hotel Booking by OTAs/TAs, etc.
Hotel PMS Analytics reports:
Will help you with your daily hotel operations. All the Hotel PMS reports available in our PMS are printable and exportable to PDF, CSV and Excel format.
Hotel PMS History and Forecast Report:
Daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly and yearly reports that provide historical information on your property’s past performance. You can analyze them and can come up with accurate forecasting based on market demand,occupancy and season.
Hotel Reservations Report:
Hotel guest reservation details including its source, cancelled hotel reservations and no-shows, etc for any particular date range. Gain insights on key hotel reservation trends so that you get to know which rooms are selling fast, from which sources you are getting good hotel booking and which hotel rate gets you maximum reservations.
Hotel Housekeeping Report:
Cloud Hotel Concierge track the status of each and every task/guest request or complaint, both room and staff. Cloud Hotel Concierge housekeeping department to run this report before and after each shift to update the status of each room like occupied, vacant, and ready to be occupied, etc.
Hotel Guest Report and Guest analytics Cloud concierge:
Guest history and stores every reservation, guest name, contact details, nationality, past stay records and special preferences in terms of room selection or food/beverage, etc.
Hotel Night Audit analytics Report:
The hotel night audit Analytics process generates several useful reports including room details, counter revenue details, revenue generated per-room/POS outlet, and tax collected per room/POS outlet, cancellations and no-shows, etc for a particular day. You will know other Analytics metrics including rooms per day, the occupancy percentage for the past 16 days and its forecast for the next 30 days.
Hotel Revenue Report:
Hotel Daily report, hotel accumulated revenue, Hotel budgeted, and last year’s Hotel totals. Managers departments can evaluate their current analytical financial results.
Hotel Financial Analytics Report:
Hotel Financial reporting ensure the financial health of your hotel get complete control over the financial aspects of operations, sales and marketing.
Hotel Activity Report:
This gives you a detailed insight on various aspects including – reservations as per check-in/checkout dates, status of room change, employee-wise reservation list and activity log and guest arrival/departure report, etc.
Hotel POS Analytic Report:
Keep track of your daily sales and revenue generated from each of your POS outlets. Your hotel bar, hotel restaurant, Hotel gift shop or hotel spa, know which POS outlet Generate more revenue. Get to know POS items that are in demand to boost sales.
Hotel Folio List Report:
Hotel front desk folios invoices with paid and balance amount along with the mode of payments.
Hotel Direct Corporate Billing Report:
Hotel reservations you have received from your corporate clients, POS charges transferred to city ledger and hotel bookings coming from travel agents, etc.
Front Desk manager, Night Audit Rooms Reports, Night Audit Booking Reports, Night Audit OTA's Reports, Night Audit Country Reports, Night Audit Counter Reports, Night Audit Revenue Reports, Night Audit Tax Reports: we have added charts and graphs throughout the application to allow hoteliers to get an idea of booking sources and revenue distribution at a glance. There is no need to export your data to generate visual analysis of your hotel’s business.

Go to ‘Reports > Reservations’ in the main menu, then select a data range to view the bookings that overlap the selected range. Click ‘search’ to bring up the results and their corresponding graphs.

You have graphs for reservations by date, and reservations by volume per channel. Note that the graphs include only non-cancelled bookings. Cancelled bookings are included in the totals and export results below, but they don’t figure into the graphs.

A booking-by-source breakdown is also available for the active reservations in your hotel. Check it out in your inbox, under ‘Front Desk > Hotel Activity’.

Next go to ‘Reports > Payments’ and select a date range to view the payments within the selected range. Click ‘search’ to bring up the results and charts.

An interesting graph to note is the ‘Revenue Per Source’ chart. Compare to the ‘Bookings Per Channel’ from the previous section to get an idea of your best-earning channels.

Note that the payments may or may not match up with booking/check-in/check-out dates for a reservation, and there may be more than one payment per booking. This is because payments may be spread over several transactions, like deposits, cancellation fees, etc.
Next go to ‘Guests > Export Profiles’ and select a date range. Click ‘search’ to view the guests that were present in your hotel during this period, organized by country.

This graph is also available under ‘Front Desk > Guests in Hotel’. You can view guests by country for the guests currently checked in to your hotel.

You can get an overview of your hotel’s activity without leaving the Front Desk manager. All the important charts are available without having to export and dump into a spreadsheet.
Hotel PMS App
The PMS app manages the front desk by using Modern frontdesk Capabilities, seeing what needs to be done each week. The PMS App feature manages room mapping, inventory, reservation delivery, channel pricing, credit card processing, and currency conversion. The booking engine App feature allows you to make direct reservations, commission-free.
Features on the list is a real advantage as most hotel PMS management systems are designed for large resorts and hotel groups - but for small establishments, this is our key features. The PMS App system processes room assignments for your employees as guests book, so the system knows how to manage staff around their holidays and availability. The check in and out process is automated. The PMS Cloud Concierge system allows you to identify opportunities to up-sell, which is non-invasive for guests but allows you to drive more revenue by offering Modern App useful services when necessary to guests.
Features included for each plan
Channel Manager | Free | Premium |
Direct Booking Engine | ||
Facebook Reservations | ||
Google Hotel Ads | ||
TripAdvisor | ||
OTA (, Airbnb, etc.) | * | |
GDS (Amadeus, Sabre, TravelPort) | * |
* Requires an account with MyAllocator. Your activity is billed externally by MyAllocator.
Your Own Website | Free | Premium |
Website | * | |
* | ||
SSL | * | |
WordPress | * |
* Available to Premium users.
We want to be your platform
Our goal is to build a platform that not only works well, but is also friendly and fun to use. You don't need any approval or special training to get started.

Hotel PMS App, A Better Way to Manage Your Hotel · Hostel · B&B · Vacation Rental , Hotel Channel Manager, Direct Booking Engine, Concierge Service, Hotel Restaurant POS, POS and Payment Processor.

The all-in-one Hotel PMS App business solution for bed & breakfasts, guesthouses and small hotels, that includes:
a PMS App, Channel Manager, Direct Booking Engine, Concierge Service, Hotel Restaurant POS, POS, Hotel Housekeeping and Payment Processor.
Our platform will help you sell more rooms and improve revenue per booking by helping you upsell products and services, and encourage guests to return and book with you directly. Bellebnb is a complete property management system for your Hotel. Sign up for free!.
- Hotel Mobile App For Smartphones Arrivals And Departures
- Hotel Mobile App For Smartphones Housekeeping
- Hotel Mobile App For Smartphones Night Audit Process
- Hotel Mobile App For Smartphones Group Management
- Hotel Mobile App For Smartphones Walk-Ins And Reservations
- Hotel Mobile App For Smartphones Expense Management
- Hotel Mobile App For Smartphones Tax Management
- Hotel Mobile App For Smartphones City Ledger Management
- Hotel Mobile App For Smartphones Multiple Payment Methods
- Hotel Mobile App For Smartphones Billing And Settlements
- Hotel Mobile App For Smartphones Offline Bookings Management
- Hotel Mobile App For Smartphones Holiday Management
- Hotel Mobile App For Smartphones Paymaster Rooms
- Hotel Mobile App For Smartphones PMS
- Hotel Mobile App For Smartphones Hotel Concierge
- Hotel Mobile App For Smartphones OTA's
- Hotel Mobile App For Smartphones Channel Manager