Hotel Rate Plans and Value-added/Per Guest
You may want to offer additional items or benefits when your guests book a room. For example, you may want to offer breakfast at a discount to guests who purchase when they book. ‘Rate Plans’ combine amenities and cancellation terms with a rate adjustment when your guests reserve a room.
Rate plans encourage guests to purchase add-ons at the time they reserve, which means your hotel takes advantage of an important sales opportunity.
You can create custom packages using Rate Plans (My Hotel > Rate Plans). Create a rate plan titled 'Ski Tickets' or 'Ski Package'. In the 'rate adjustment' section add the amount you want to add on to the room price and check the boxes for 'per guest/per night'.
For example, if lift tickets cost $40 regularly, you can add a rate adjustment of $30 per guest per night and in the description of the rate, let your guests know they can save 25% on lift tickets if they reserve when they book their room.
You may also want to create a 'Standard' rate with no price adjustments to allow your guests to book just the room, if they want.

Bellebnb is a hotel management platform that includes: Hotel Rate Plans and Value-added/Per Guest
a PMS, Channel Manager, Direct Booking Engine, Concierge Service, and Payment Processor.
Our platform will help you sell more rooms and improve revenue per booking by helping you upsell products and services, and encourage guests to return and book with you directly. Bellebnb is a complete property management system for your Hotel. Sign up for free!.