Hotel PMS How to enable Payment Gateway & Accept Credit Cards

Payment Gateway
Secure bookings created over your Hotel Website or through your Hotel booking engine. Funds are available in your bank two days after guests check out.
* No Contract, No Payment Required.
Bellebnb, A Better Way to Manage Your Hotel · Hostel · B&B · Vacation Rental a PMS, Channel Manager, Direct Booking Engine, Concierge Service, and Payment Processor.

Bellebnb is a hotel management platform that includes:
a PMS, Channel Manager, Direct Booking Engine, Concierge Service, and Payment Processor.
Our platform will help you sell more rooms and improve revenue per booking by helping you upsell products and services, and encourage guests to return and book with you directly. Bellebnb is a complete property management system for your Hotel. Sign up for free!.