Markdown HTML Now Available
We have updated the Front Desk and Booking Engine so that you can now edit room descriptions and booking engine additions in Markdown HTML! This is a significant improvement that will allow you to further personalize your booking engine to your hotel brand.
What is Markdown HTML?
Markdown is the de-facto standard for fast, simple HTML editing. Markdown is a stripped down, basic syntax that allows you to write content that will display as HTML, but without the hassle of start/end tags, class and style properties, etc. Markdown is easy to read and write, and provides all the layout benefits of full HTML.
Ut enim ad minima veniam, quis nostrum exercitationem ullam corporis suscipit laboriosam, nisi ut aliquid ex ea commodi consequatur? Quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit qui in ea voluptate velit esse quam nihil molestiae consequatur, vel illum qui dolorem eum fugiat quo voluptas nulla pariatur?
Take the following simple example:
<h1>Hi, There!</h1>
This is what a simple document looks like in <strong>HTML</strong>. Even <em>very simple</em> text can <em>look overwhelming</em>!
This simple example is as difficult to write as it is to understand, and It’s easy to make a mistake and leave off a tag somewhere. Here’s the same document in Markdown:
# Hi There!
This is what a simple document looks like in **Markdown**. Markdown makes editing *complicated HTML* as simple as *writing your name*.
See the difference? This simple document gets processed into full HTML, as in the above, when your hotel is displayed in the booking engine.
Working with Markdown
You can read the full Markdown specification here. But there’s no need for that because your Front Desk includes a fully interactive Markdown editor.

Elements that are HTML Markdown enabled, like your room and hotel descriptions, come with a Markdown editor. Just click the button for the kind of element you wish to include, and the editor does the rest.
You can type directly in Markdown if you’re familiar with the syntax, or you can highlight text you wish to modify and then click one of the buttons in the top row.

To preview your document, click the ‘eye’ button (last button on the right) and your HTML document comes to life! There's even a word count and read timer on the bottom right.

We are very pleased to bring you this update and hope it makes it even easier to use our platform to help your hotel reach its full potential.